Sour and Spicy Ribs

RECIPE Sour & Spicy Ribs November 25, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Beef Short Ribs Bones are where the flavours hide. Dear vegan friends, please look away. Dear meat eaters, please read on. Many Chinese people love eating meat cooked with bones. The longer you cook them, the more flavourful the food becomes. Deep …

Dried Tofu Salad

RECIPE Dried Tofu Salad Omit chicken to make it vegan! November 16, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Dried tofu, dried beancurd… Which name do you use? I get confused sometime because we use the same names to refer to the different thin sheets of soybean product. Dried tofu/beancurd is something I rarely see it …

Swedish Meatballs

RECIPE Swedish Meatballs November 9, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Meatball is a common form of meat dish in many cultures. It is not unusual to find similarities between two meatball dishes from two different cultures. This is what makes cooking so interesting to me. Often then not, we tend to choose to try …

Rocky Road Ice Cream

RECIPE Rocky Road Ice Cream October 30, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] When you hear that music jingle down the road in the summer, do your eyes light up with excitement? Why yes… of course you do. Who doesn’t like ice cream? (Don’t answer that if you don’t.) Ice cream is easily one of …

Char Siu

RECIPE Char Siu Cantonese BBQ Pork October 26, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Siu Mei 燒味, or Siu Laap 燒臘, is a staple food in Cantonese culture. It literally means roast (Siu 燒) flavour (Mei 味), referring to the different types of meat and seafood roasted in an open fire, traditionally, or in a …

Almond Cake

RECIPE Almond Cake OCTOBER 19, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Do you have random cake cravings? I’m not a big cake person, but I do occasionally want a light, tasty cake for snacking. I’ve tried many gluten-free cakes, and to be honest, I have yet had a wheat-free grain flour based cake that truly …


RECIPE Amaretti – 4 Flavours OCTOBER 14, 2020 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] There are various almond cookies from different parts of the world. Amaretti is Italy’s version, which happens to be naturally maak-free. This is a cookie that my mother enjoys very much. It will always bring back the memory of us travelling together …

Mom’s Tofu

RECIPE Mom’s Tofu October 14, 2020Edited to correct typos on March 17, 2021 [ SKIP TO RECIPE ] Tofu is a staple food I grew up eating. It is an essential ingredient for many Asian cultures. My mom has incorporated this soybean-based product into many everyday home cook dishes. The classic steamed fish-tofu, steamed minced …